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Orenda Elementary Teacher of the Year
Belonging. Independence. Mastery. Generosity.

Mission & Philosophy

About Us

Our Mission: To create new and innovative school choice opportunities in Central Texas for families seeking an alternative to the large, more traditional public school system.

Orenda schools are based on the "Circle of Courage"  philosophy. The Circle of Courage is an integrated, holistic approach to child development and learning intended to promote a sense of belonging, independence, mastery and generosity. 

News & Announcements

Gateway Launches Rotary Interact Club

It’s not every day a civic organization receives a phone call from an eighth grader inviting themselves to a club meeting.  But then again Carter Klingemann isn’t your average teenager.  Last year she did her homework, looking into Rotary International, the largest service club in the world, and wondered if she could bring their sponsored service club for teens to Gateway.

Read More about Gateway Launches Rotary Interact Club

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